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You can do it all, but you can’t do it all at once.

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Well, it’s Labor Day!

Today, as we celebrate the end of summer, final BBQs, and time with friends and family, take a moment to thank God for that opportunity. Thank Him for the sacrifices made for more fair work practices in the US but also pray for those who do not experience these benefits here and across the world today.

Monday Manna is a little late today for two reasons.

1. I’ve been working hard and a lot.

2. I chose not to kill myself to get Monday Manna out by 10am this morning and made a list of priorities of the things I needed to do. Since I had morning deadlines, I was able to tell myself that none of you guys would die because it didn’t get to you in time =) and put it off until just a wee bit later.

Giving myself a break with softer deadlines has been a gift that I’ve given myself this year. The second gift I’ve given myself is allowing for teamwork to make the dream work. 

In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Paul talks about the importance and necessity of each member of the body. In verses 20-21 he states,

But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. 21 And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”

This month I want to encourage you to allow for teamwork to assist in making your dream, your families dream, or the organization or companies dream in which you volunteer or work for to WORK.

This means allowing the people on your team, both personal and professional, to step up and do their part. You have to allow them the space to do their part. I used to have a habit of always needing to fill voids. If I saw a need, I did my best to meet it because I wanted the entity to continue to run smoothly. But this didn’t give an opportunity for others to show up and fill these gaps with their unique expertise and ability.

This past week, I did not have the capacity to do what I usually do around the house, but my husband stepped in and showed out. With the given space, he was able to come through and do things HIS way to get stuff taken care of.

As you go through this week, allow for others to have the space to step up and be the eye, or the hand, or the head, or the foot. Although you might have to lay some ground rules for what’s needed, allow for them to step fully into that position as who they are. It might not look exactly the way you want it to, but if the end result is the same, you might have to let it go. (Unless not following a regimented sequence will cost you millions or put someone in danger.)

What’s my point?

You can do it all, but you can’t do it all at once. Don’t forget to use the help and support that you have around you to take care of the daily tasks you face at home, school, social circles, work, and church. You deserve the breaks, and others deserve the opportunity.

Happy Labor Day. 

All my love.

Melanie Lee

Melanie is a licensed minister and clinical therapist helping Christian women experience greater joy and peace by teaching healthy strategies that combat depression, stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and the woes of life transitions. It’s time to reconnect with God through Scripture, reconnect with community, and most importantly reconnect with yourself so you walk in peace, joy, and happiness that God promises you more often! Author | Wife | Preacher | Teacher | Clinical Therapist | Lover of laughs and naps